Public consultation on the first set of Draft ESRS
Areas of interest in this section:
- About the Draft European Sustainability Reporting Standards
- Public consultation and responses received
- Quantitative and qualitive analysis of the input from the public consultation
- Outreach events
- Joint Educational sessions EFRAG SRB and EFRAG SR TEG
- Access the Draft ESRS Exposure Drafts & Set of Basis for conclusions
About the Draft European Sustainability Reporting Standards
The European Commission’s proposal for a Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) envisages the adoption of EU Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS).In this context, EFRAG was requested in a letter from Commissioner McGuinness to provide Technical Advice to the European Commission in the form of fully prepared draft standards and/or draft amendments to Sustainability Reporting Standards.
The proposal for a CSRD requires that EFRAG’s Technical Advice is prepared with ‘proper due process, public oversight and transparency, and with the expertise of relevant stakeholders, and it is accompanied by cost-benefit analyses that include analyses of the impacts of the Technical Advice on sustainability matters’, contributing to the delegated acts through which the ESRS will be adopted in the EU.
In order to meet the ambitious deadlines for submitting the first set of draft ESRS to the European Commission by November 2022 and to benefit from the longest public consultation period possible, it was critical that the public consultation on the Exposure Drafts 5 (EDs) of the first set of ESRS be launched as soon as possible. In this context, the EFRAG SRB decided to launch the public consultation on the basis of the EDs prepared under the sole responsibility of the PTF-ESRS.
In this context and following the EFRAG's Due Process Procedures on EU Sustainability Reporting Standard-Stetting , which stipulate the requirements to be followed in its role as technical advisor to the European Commission in the preparation of draft ESRS or draft amendments of ESRS, the PTF-ESRS hands over its Draft ESRS for public consultation with deadline of 8 August 2022.
These EDs correspond to the first set of standards required under the CSRD proposal and cover the full range of sustainability matters: environment, social, governance and cross-cutting standards.
The EFRAG SRB and the EFRAG SR TEG will consider the EDs in parallel with the public consultation and following the handover by the PTF-ESRS. Together with the input and results from the public consultation, the EFRAG SRB supported by the EFRAG SR TEG will agree the final first set of draft ESRS to be submitted to the European Commission.
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Public consultation and responses received
On 29 April 2022, EFRAG launched a public consultation on the Draft ESRS EDs, with a deadline of 8 August 2022. A broad spectrum of stakeholders responded to the public consultation, mostly through the two-part online survey.
The EFRAG Sustainability Reporting Board (EFRAG SRB) and EFRAG Sustainability Reporting Technical Expert Group (EFRAG SR TEG) consider all comments received, as required by the EFRAG Due Process Procedures. The resulting first set of Draft ESRS will then be handed over to the European Commission in November 2022 to be considered for adoption adoption by way of delegated acts at a later stage after the European Commission’s process and consultations.
.All comment submissions received in response to the public consultation through the two-part online survey, to be taken into consideration by EFRAG SRB and EFRAG SR TEG, are made available through the links below (please note it may take some time for contributions to display):
Survey 1 - Overall ESRS exposure drafts relevance (Architecture, Implementation of CSRD principles, Exposure Draft content, Implementation prioritisation)
Survey 2 - Adequacy of disclosure requirements (cross-cutting and topical standards)
It should be noted that the above data is as submitted by respondents to the consultation and may contain a limited number of duplicate or blank submissions.
The public consultation was organised to receive feedback from constituents on three key aspects of the EDs, organised in a chapter menu as follows:
(1) Overall substance of the Exposure Drafts (survey 1)
1A. Architecture
1B. Implementation of CSRD principles
1C. Exposure Drafts content
(2) ESRS Implementation prioritisation / phasing-in (survey 1)
(3) Adequacy of Disclosure requirements (survey 2)
3A. Cross cutting standards
3B. Environmental standards
3C. Social standards
3D. Governance standards
EFRAG did also received comment letters that did not address the specific aspects covered by the questions listed in the online survey:
- Comments received after 8 August 2022 are available here.
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Quantitative and qualitive analysis of the input from the public consultation
EFRAG has commissioned a quantitative and qualitative study of the feedback received from the public consultation of draft ESRS Exposure-Drafts to a contractor ( Ramboll Management Consulting ; hereafter ‘the contractor’). In the context of its commitment to full transparency and due process , EFRAG is publishing the results of the study.- The qualitative analysis of the input received (open-text comments in the uploaded surveys and comment letters) was performed using the Qualitative Data Analysis (QDA) software package NVivo which allows to categorise, sort, and interpret qualitative data (see for more details the Methodological Note in Section 2 of the Reports).
- For each Exposure-Draft a quantitative (statistical) analysis of the responses to the closed questions made by respondents has also been performed. The statistical data extracted by the contractor has been reformatted by the EFRAG Secretariat for greater clarity.
The terms of use of these two reports may be found in the disclaimer sections of the respective reports.
- To see the Statistical Analysis, please click here: ESRS Public Consultation - Statistics
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Outreach events
During the public consultation period, EFRAG organised 16 outreach events in several EU countries to engage closely with stakeholders and get feedback on the Draft ESRS EDs. These outreach events attracted significant interest with close to 5000 registrations overall.
Date & time |
Outreach country/Organisazers | Language | Save the date/Programme | Registration link/recording/slides |
Wednesday 25 May, 10:00-12:00 CET | Croatia/EFRAG, IDOP, RRIF & UNGC Croatia | Croatian/English | Programme | |
Thursday 2 June, 14:00-18:00 CET | France/EFRAG & ANC | French | Programme | |
Friday 10 June, 10:00- 16:00 CET | Germany/EFRAG & DRSC | German | Programme | No recording & Slides |
Wednesday 15 June, 13:30-17:30 CET | The Nederlands/EFRAG & DASB (RJ) | English | Save the date | Recording & Slides |
Friday 17 June, 09:00-14:30 CET | Denmark/Nordic outreach event | English | Programme |
Recording & Slides |
Wednesday 22 June, 09:00-12:00 CET | Financial Institutions (EFRAG & Member Organisations) | English | Programme | Recording & Slides |
Wednesday 22 June, 14:00-18:00 CET | Austria/AFRAC, EFRAG & the Institute for Accounting & Auditing at Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU Vienna) | German | Programme | Recording & Slides |
Wednesday 29 June, 10:00-13:30 CET | Poland/EFRAG, the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Poland, WARSAW STOCK EXCHANGE and the Polish Association of Listed Companies | Polish | Programme | Recording & Slides |
Friday 1 July, 9:30-13:30 CET | Spain/EFRAG, CGE & ICAC | Spanish | Programme |
Recording & Slides |
Monday 4 July, 15:00-18:30 CET | EFRAG, BusinessEurope & EuropeanIssuers | English | Programme | Recording & Slides |
Tuesday 5 July, 14:30-18:00 CET | Italy/EFRAG &OIC | Italian | Programme | Recording & Slides |
Friday 8 July, 14:00-16:00 CET | EFRAG, EFAA & SMEunited | English | ||
Monday 11 July, 12:00-16:00 CET | EFRAG & CSR HELLAS | Greek | Programme | Recording & Slides |
Wednesday 13 July, 9:30 to 15:30 CET | NGOs & trade unions | English | ||
Thursday 14 July, 15:00-18:15 CET | EFRAG, BETTER FINANCE, BEUC, EFFAS & Finance Watch | English | ||
Thursday 14 July, 16:30-18:00 | EFRAG & EAA | English |
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Joint Educational sessions EFRAG SRB and EFRAG SR TEG
Educational sessions were organised for each of the 13 exposure drafts. The recordings can be found
Date & time |
Title of the Educational session |
Access and recording link |
Thursday 28 April 13.00 CEST | ED draft ESRS E1 Climate change, as part of the EFRAG SRB meeting, by PTF-ESRS member Christoph Toepfer. | Access the recording here |
Monday 16 May 18.00- 19.00 CEST | ED draft
ESRS 1 General Principles by PTF-ESRS member and EFRAG SR TEG member Piotr Biernacki and PTF ESRS support Sebastian Heintges. | Access the recording here |
Thursday 19 May 08.00 - 09.00 CEST | ED draft
ESRS 2 General, strategy, governance and materiality assessment by PTF-ESRS member and EFRAG SR TEG member Piotr Biernacki and PTF ESRS support Sebastian Heintges. | Access the recording here |
Friday 20 May 09.45 CEST | ED draft ESRS E2 Pollution, as part of the EFRAG SRB meeting, by Stefan Schnell, PTF ESRS member and EFRAG SRB member. | Access the recording here |
Friday 20 May 09.45 CEST | ED draft ESRS E5 Resource use and circular economy, as part of the EFRAG SRB meeting, by Fabienne Grall, PTF ESRS member. | Access the recording here |
Monday 23 May 18.00 - 19.30 CEST |
EDs draft ESRS E3 Water and marine resources and draft ESRS E4 Biodiversity and ecosystems, by Delphine Gibassier, PTF-ESRS member and PTF-ESRS Secretariat member, Nicolas Antheaume. | Access the recording here |
Tuesday 31 May 18.00 – 19.00 CEST | EDs draft ESRS S2 Workers in the value chain,
ESRS S3 Affected communities and ESRS S4 Consumers and end-users, by PTF-ESRS member Kristian Koktvedgaard and David Vermijs. Join the educational session here. | Access the recording here |
Thursday 2 June 8.00 – 9.00 CEST | ED draft ESRS S1 Own workforce, by PTF-ESRS member Kristian Koktvedgaard and David Vermijs. | Access the recording
here |
Tuesday 7 June 8.00-9.00 CEST | ED draft ESRS G1 Governance, risk management and internal control, by PierMario Barzaghi, EFRAG PTF-ESRS and EFRAG SR TEG member and Fredre Ferreira, EFRAG Senior Technical Manager. | Access the recording here |
Wednesday 8 June 18.00 -19.00 CEST | Last educational session ED draft ESRS G2 Business conduct, by Emmanuel Bloch, EFRAG PTF-ESRS member, Viktor Josefsson, EFRAG PTF-ESRS Secretariat member and Fredre Ferreira, EFRAG Senior Technical Manager. | Access the recording
here |
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Access the Draft ESRS Exposure Drafts & Set of Basis for conclusions
The Draft ESRS of the PTF-ESRS and its appendices are published as a series of six documents: (i) the complete first set of draft standards, the appendices and cover note and (ii) four separate documents dividing the ESRS by topics including the drafts standards.
Cover Note | | |
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Cover Note for Public Consultation | |
The cover note includes:
- Appendix I: Navigating the ESRS: ESRS index (mapping of ESRS / Disclosure Requirements / Application guidance) including in table 4 the reconciliation between the Working Papers and the ESRS Exposure Drafts
- Appendix II: CSRD requirements for the development of sustainability reporting standards and their coverage by the ESRS Exposure Drafts
- Appendix III: SFDR Principal Adverse Impacts in the ESRS
- Appendix IV: TCFD Recommendations and ESRS reconciliation table
- Appendix V: IFRS Sustainability Standards and ESRS reconciliation table
- Appendix VI: Acronyms and glossary of terms.