Tommaso Fabi
Chair, Technical Director, OIC
Tommaso Fabi is Technical Director at Organismo Italiano di Contabilità (OIC – Italian Standard Setter). In this role, he coordinates all activities in which the OIC is engaged at international level, including the contribution to the IASB due process, the participation in research groups related to the development of IFRS and the study on the impacts arising from the application of an accounting standard. He has also been member of the IASB Consultative Group on the Methodology for Fieldwork and Effects Analyses.
Tommaso has an auditing background, having worked for several years for Deloitte, prior to joining the OIC. At Deloitte he was a senior manager and gained broad experience in the auditing of listed and non-listed companies, especially in the utilities, energy and resources, and telecommunications sectors.
Tommaso is a certified “Dottore Commercialista” and “Revisore Contabile”. Furthermore, he currently teaches at the course on IFRS at Luiss Guido Carli University of Rome.
EFRAG Rate-Regulated Activities Working Group (EFRAG RRAWG)
The EFRAG Rate-Regulated Activities Working Group advises and provides input to EFRAG TEG discussions aiming at developing positions on rate-regulated activities financial reporting issues. The group is supported by members of the EFRAG Secretariat.
The European Commission has been granted observer status. IASB members and staff may participate as part of the IASB outreach activities.
The current Members of the EFRAG RRAWG are (please click on Members' names to view their profiles):
Name | Job title |
Tommaso Fabi | Chair, Technical Director, OIC |
Giorgio Acunzo | Auditor, EY |
Nicola Bruno | Industry, Atlantia SpA |
Jean-Louis Caulier | Auditor, KPMG |
Jose-Luis Daroca | Auditor, Deloitte |
Claire Dusser | Auditor, Mazars |
Cosimo Guarini | Industry, Terna Spa |
Falkenhahn Gunther | E.ON SE |
Markus Lotz | Industry, 50Hertz Transmission GmbH |
Isabelle Nuss | Industry, Engie |
Thomas Possert | Industry, Energie Steiermark AG |
Fabien Rock | Industry, SNCF Reseau |
Laura Lopez Sotomayor | Industry, Ferrovial SA |
Aissata Touré | Auditor, PwC |
Samuel Vaughan | Industry, United Utilities Group PLC |
Stefanie Voelz | User, Moody's (Observer) |
Javier Pastor Zuazaga | Industry, Iberdrola SA |