04/03/2025 - Corporate Reporting Standard setters from all the world convene in Naples for their regular IFASS meeting, this time jointly organised by EFRAG and OIC (the Italian standard setter)
OIC Italy and EFRAG will host the March 2025 IFASS meeting involving 200+ (in-person and virtual) attendees from 34 different jurisdictions.
On 12-14 March, Organismo Italiano di Contabilità (OIC) Italy and EFRAG will host the regular semi-annual hybrid meeting of the International Forum of Accounting Standard Setters (IFASS). This meeting marks the end of EFRAG SR TEG Chairwoman, Chiara Del Prete’s three-year term as IFASS Chair.
"My term as the Chair comes to an end amidst the momentous developments and shifting landscape occurring in different jurisdictions. Our get together in Naples will provide us an opportunity to reflect on the way forward in ensuring we continue to shape reporting that meets the needs of our constituents and our role as change agents has never been more important.” Chiara Del Prete
The meeting’s activities will be hosted at facilities granted by the University of Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli” (Naples, Italy) and is realised with contributions from SIDREA (Societá Italiana dei Docenti di Ragioneria e di Economia Aziendale) and KPMG Italy.
This meeting will consist of multiple presentations and panel sessions covering a broad range of financial reporting and sustainability reporting standard setting topics (as outlined below) and it will feature speakers from IFASS participant organisations and external organisations:
Day 1: 12 March 2025
Macro trends in ESG and sustainability reporting
Cash-flow reporting
Biodiversity, ecosystems and ecosystem services
Day 2: 13 March 2025
IASB Update
ESRS update and Non-EU standard
Financial Reporting Jurisdictional Updates
Sector classification and SASB Update
Climate change: GHG Protocol – new governance and work programme
Provisions – Targeted Improvements
Sustainability Reporting Jurisdictional Updates
- Consistent application including Role of IFRS IC
AI and digital technologies in standard setting - From promise to reality
OECD SME initiative
A tribute to late prof. Alberto Giussani
Day 3: 14 March 2025
Connectivity of financial and sustainability reporting – practical applications
Equity Method – whether a fundamental review is needed
The "S" in ESG - focus on Human capital
Intangible assets
WICI Strategic Intangibles Initiative
ISSB Human Capital project
Addressing key accounting challenges
Considering IFASS achievements and passing the chairing role
The International Forum of Accounting Standard Setters is a group of national accounting standard-setters from around the world, plus other organisations that have a close involvement in corporate reporting.
A summary report will be published after the meeting.
To receive more information, or join IFASS, please contact secretariat@ifass.net.