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18/02/2025 - When Should a Levy Provision Be Recognised? EFRAG Seeks Views from Financial Statements Users

​Have five minutes? Share your views on when to recognise a levy provision for the most useful reporting. Survey closes on 28 February 2025.

EFRAG has launched a survey aimed at users of financial statements to gather feedback on when provisions for levies should be recognised. The survey is open until 28 February 2025. The  findings will inform EFRAG's assessment of the IASB's Exposure Draft Provisions—Targeted Improvements (Proposed amendments to IAS 37) (‘the ED’). If adopted, the proposals included in the ED would alter the timing of recognising certain provisions. 

The short questionnaire invites users to share their views on when a levy provision should be recognised for the most useful reporting, using three simplified examples.  

No personal data that could identify individual respondents will be disclosed. 

Want to take it one step further? 

Comments on EFRAG’s Draft Comment Letter are welcomed by 25 February 2025. 

Additionally, EFRAG has launched another survey covering various aspects of the ED, focusing on application issues, which is open to all stakeholders until 27 February 2025.