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17/02/2025 - EFRAG Seeks Stakeholders’ Views on Aspects of the Proposed Amendments to IAS 37

​Share your input on the IASB's proposed changes by 27 February via the new dedicated survey.

EFRAG has launched a survey to gather feedback on particular aspects of the IASB's Exposure Draft Provisions—Targeted Improvements  (Proposed amendments to IAS 37) ('the ED').

If adopted, the proposals would alter the timing for recognising certain provisions. In response, EFRAG issued its Draft Comment Letter ('DCL') on the ED in December 2024 and is now calling for further input from stakeholders ahead of publishing its Final Comment Letter.

The survey, which covers various aspect of the ED such as the proposed changes to recognition and measurement of provisions and the effects of the proposed amendments, is open to all stakeholders until 27 February 2025. However, the questions are primarily directed at preparers and auditors of financial statements, as they focus the practical application of the ED. A separate survey for users of financial statements will be issued in the upcoming days.

EFRAG expects the survey to take around 14 minutes to complete for those familiar with the ED. No data identifying individual respondents will be disclosed.

Why is your feedback needed?

The input gathered will directly inform EFRAG's Final Comment Letter on the proposals.