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26/11/2024 - ESRS for Non-EU Groups webinar: recording and slides now available

Did you miss our webinar on ESRS for Non-EU Groups? Watch the recording now and access the slides!

EFRAG with the European Commission presented the legal framework and standard-setting approach for ESRS for Non-EU Groups to interested stakeholders on 19 and 20 November.

Get access to:

- The presentation slides

- The recording of the webinar

Per article 40a of the CSRD, non-EU companies that generate over EUR 150 million per year in the EU and that have in the EU either a branch with a turnover exceeding EUR 40 million or a subsidiary that is a large company or a listed SME will have to report on the sustainability impacts at the group level of that non-EU company as from financial year 2028, with first sustainability reports published in 2029. The CSRD foresees the adoption of separate standards for this purpose; these are referred to as ESRS for Non-EU Groups or NESRS in short.

More information about EFRAG's work on ESRS for Non-EU Groups can be found on the related project page.

For questions as to whether sustainability statement in accordance with article 40 of the Accounting Directive has to be produced or other questions related to CSRD/Accounting directive, please refer to the European Commission's FAQ's on the topic.