24/05/2023 - EFRAG seeks input from preparers on an academic survey on the effects of IFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts with Customers
EFRAG encourages preparers to provide input to an academic study on the effects of the adoptions of IFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts with Customers on management control systems. The study will be important for EFRAG's work related to the IASB's Post-implementation Review of IFRS 15. Interested stakeholders have until 1 September to share their views.
EFRAG encourages your participation in an academic study supported by EFRAG on the effects of the adoption of IFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts with Customers on management control systems. The study aims to collect information on the effects of the new standard, as well as on how the implementation requirements of IFRS 15 impact the internal production and use of information. The views of both preparers and users of financial statements will, among other aspects, assist EFRAG in better estimating the net costs of IFRS adoption.