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18/02/2022 - REMINDER - EFRAG encourages participation in its surveys on Supplier Finance Arrangements and Non-Current Liabilities

EFRAG invites users and preparers to complete either or both of its online questionnaires on Non-current Liabilities with Covenants and Supplier Finance Arrangements by 4 March 2022. Both projects aim to improve financial reporting of liquidity risks. Please find the  Non-Current Liabilities with Covenants questionnaire for users or preparers here and the Supplier Finance Arrangements questionnaire for preparers here.


​​EFRAG published two draft comment letters on ED/2021/9 Non-Current Liabilities with Covenants and ED/2021/10 Supplier Finance Arrangements in January 2022. As part of its consultation process on these two projects - which both aim to improve financial reporting of liquidity risks - EFRAG has prepared two separate questionnaires to collect constituents' views.

ED/2021/9 Non-Current Liabilities with Covenants

ED/2021/10 Supplier Finance arrangements

The feedback on the questionnaires will contribute to form EFRAG's final position on the IASB's proposals on these two projects.

EFRAG encourages you to participate and express your views in the online questionnaires. Each questionnaire will approximately take 20 minutes to complete. 

Participants are asked to complete the online questionnaires ​by 4 March 2022​.