15/11/2018 - European Lab Steering Group appointed
The EFRAG General Assembly has appointed the Steering Group for the new European Corporate Reporting Lab (the ‘European Lab@EFRAG’).
The EFRAG General Assembly has appointed the members of the inaugural Steering Group of the European Lab@EFRAG (the 'European Lab Steering Group'), selected from a broad range of stakeholder groups and national backgrounds. The appointment of the members of the European Lab Steering Group is for a two-year term and is subject to renewal.
Jean-Paul Gauzès is the Chairman of the European Lab Steering Group; the Vice-Chairman is Alain Deckers, European Commission.
The newly-appointed members are:
- Hilde Blomme, accountancy profession, Belgian
- Ossian Ekdahl, company, Swedish
- Simonetta Ferrari, company, Italian
- Elisabeth Gambert, company, Austrian
- Sebastien Godinot, civil society, French
- Filip Gregor, civil society, Czech
- Imre Guba, user, Hungarian
- Albert Hasselmeyer, company, German
- Nancy Kamp- Roelands, accountancy profession, Dutch
- Esko Antero Kivisaari, financial services, Finnish
- Arlene McCarthy, other stakeholders, Irish
- Flavia Micilotta, user, Italian
- J.Jason Mitchell, user, British
- Linda Nielsen, academic, Danish
- Steven Marcus Tebbe, civil society, German
The European Lab Steering Group will meet for the first time on 27 November 2018. To mark the launch of the European Lab@EFRAG there will also be a networking reception with welcome speeches by Elina Melngaile, member of cabinet of European Commission Vice-President Dombrovskis, and Jean-Paul Gauzès.