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EFRAG FR TEG Webcast Meeting 11 March 2025

Meeting news

Running order

# Agenda item Start time End time Presenters Documents
  4. Provisions - Targeted Improvements 10:35 13:00 Project team 04-01 Cover Note - Provisions - FR TEG 25-03-11.pdf
04-02 Analysis of comment letters and input from outreach realted to EFRAG DCL on ED - FR TEG 25-03-11.pdf
04-03 (a) Draft final comment letter - FR TEG 25-03-11.pdf
04-03 (b) - Draft - Final Comment Letter Track changes - FR TEG 25-03-11.pdf
  Lunch break 13:00 13:45
  5. Rate-regulated Activities 13:45 15:15 Project team 05-01 - Rate-regulated activities - Cover note - EFRAG FR TEG 25-03-11.pdf
05-02 - Total allowed compensation - EFRAG FR TEG meeting 2025-03-11.pdf
05-03 - Issues paper on RRA Unit of account and offsetting - EFRAG FR TEG 25-03-11.pdf
05-04 - Total allowed compensation - RRAWG - EFRAG FR TEG 2025-03-11 (FOR BACKGROUND PURPOSES).pdf
05-05 - Performance Incentives - RRAWG - EFRAG FR TEG 2025-03-11 (FOR BACKGROUND PURPOSES).pdf
05-06 - Long-term Performance Incentives - RRAWG - EFRAG FR TEG 2025-03-11 (FOR BACKGROUND PURPOSES).pdf
05-07 - Other items included in the Regulatory Capital Base - RRAWG - EFRAG FR TEG 2025-03-11 (FOR BACKGROUND PURPOSES).pdf
  Break 15:15 15:30
  6. IFRS 19 Subsidiaries without public accountability: Disclosures 15:30 16:30 Project team 06-01 - IFRS 19 SWPA - Cover Note - EFRAG FR TEG 25-03-11.pdf
06-02 - IFRS 19 SWPA - DEA Appendix 1 - EFRAG FR TEG 25-03-11.pdf
06-03 - IFRS 19 SWPA - Research on number of entities - FR TEG 25-03-11.pdf
  End of meeting 16:30 16:30