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EFRAG SRB meeting 26 June 2024

Meeting news

Running order

# Agenda item Start time End time Presenters Documents
  1. Opening and welcome 15:25 15:30 Patrick de Cambourg 00-00 EFRAG SRB meeting agenda 26 June 2024.pdf
  5. O&G sector standard 15:30 17:25 Anna Grochowska 05-01 OG ED Cover note SRB 240626.pdf
05-02 Oil and Gas ED SRB 240626.pdf
05-03 OG ED TEG 240606 vs SRB 240626 .pdf
05-04 OG Summary of feedback received SRB 240626.pdf
  6. Q&A 17:25 18:00 Bernhard Frey 06-01 Cover note QA SRB Meeting 240626.pdf
06-02 Categorisations SRB meeting 240626.pdf
06-03 SRB meeting explanations 20240626.pdf