EFRAG research project on better information on intangibles
- Completed
- Completed
- Didrik Thrane-Nielsen, Rasmus Sommer
Project history
The aims of the project are:
- to understand how entities report on creating, maintaining and/or improving their value;
- to understand how users consume information on creating, maintaining and/or improving value, and the extent to which current reporting addresses their needs; and
- to provide suggestions on how information on creating, maintaining and/or improving value can be provided in financial reports in a manner that is useful for decisions on providing resources to the entity.
The project is focused on information provided in the IFRS financial statements, including the notes accompanying the primary financial statements, and the management commentary.
In Q1 of 2019, the EFRAG Secretariat conducted a total of 17 interviews with academics, preparers, users, valuation professionals and other professionals. There was a degree of consensus that that information about the intangibles is lacking in the primary financial statements, however, interviewees expressed a mix of views regarding the possible solutions to the problem.
On 5 February 2020, EFRAG published
a literature review on the reporting of intangibles. the review was performed by a team from the University of Ferrara following a tender. The literature review, focusing on publications since 2007 provided insight into the following areas:
- Intangibles in a macro perspective ;
- Unaccounted intangibles and their impact on the relevance of financial reporting;
- Information on specific unaccounted intangibles and its impact on company performance, market value and users;
- Information on intellectual capital and its effects on company performance, market value and users;;and
- Frameworks and models for measuring and reporting on intangibles and their impact on company performance, market value and users.
In March 2020, EFRAG TEG approved the composition of an Advisory Panel on Intangibles (EFRAG API), comprising preparers, users and valuation professionals. EFRAG API provided input on which EFRAG's Discussion Paper Better Information on Intangibles - Which is the best way to go? was based, and provides input to other issues and projects considering intangibles.
EFRAG Discussion Paper
On 27 August 2021, based on input from the EFRAG Advisory Panel on Intangibles, EFRAG published the Discussion Paper Better Information on Intangibles - Which is the best way to go? The Discussion Paper presents different possible approaches to improve information on intangibles together with the related advantages and disadvantages.
The Discussion Paper focuses on information to be provided in the financial statements, including the notes, and in the management report, and considers information on intangible sources of possible economic benefits other than financial assets. The scope of ‘intangibles’ is thus broader than intangible assets and covers sources of possible economic benefits that would not be controlled by an entity. The Discussion Paper focuses on intangibles used in the entity’s operation. Constituents are consulted on the possible approaches including whether/how they should be combined.
The input from constituents is considered to be useful for the IASB and EFRAG when considering current and future proposals related to intangibles. Comments were welcome by 30 June 2022.
Academic studies
EFRAG has co-sponsored studies related to its project on better information on intangibles.
- One study is examining whether and how companies disclose information about their intellectual capital. The study is available here.
- Another study has collected information on the preparation and use of the information on intangibles. The study is available here (and the appendices here:
Appendix 1,
Appendix 2 and Appendix 3).
Recommendations and Feedback Statement

In the last months of 2022 and in the first months of 2023, EFRAG FR TEG, EFRAG SR TEG and the EFRAG FR Board considered the input received in response to the Discussion Paper. The input received is summarised
Following these discussions, EFRAG issued its
Recommendations and Feedback Statement in April 2023.
Project news
10/05/2023 - EFRAG, EFFAS and ICAS supported study on the production and consumption of information on intangibles
EFRAG has published the academic study The production and consumption of information on intangibles: An empirical investigation of preparers and users.
27/04/2023 - EFRAG’s Recommendations and Feedback Statement on Better Information on Intangibles
EFRAG has issued its Recommendations and Feedback Statement summarising the main comments received by EFRAG on its Discussion Paper Better Information on Intangibles – Which is the best way to go?
27/01/2023 - Academic Study - Do companies disclose relevant information about intangibles? – Insights from business model reporting and risk reporting
EFRAG and ICAS have published a co-sponsored study examining information about intellectual capital elements when an entity is describing its business model and its risks. The study is available here.
26/07/2022 - Danish outreach event on Better Information on Intangibles
On 22 August 2022,from 9:00 to 12:00 (CET), EFRAG, the Confederation of Danish Industry (DI) and FSR – Danish Auditors are organising a public outreach event in Copenhagen on EFRAG’s DP Better Information on Intangibles – Which is the best way to go?
Registration form and programme are available here. This event is physical only and will be held in English.
22/06/2022 - Reminder – Provide your comments on EFRAG’s Discussion Paper on Intangibles
The deadline for commenting on EFRAG’s Discussion Paper Better Information on Intangibles – Which is the best way to go? is approaching (30 June 2022). Please provide your comments by submitting a comment letter or by using the electronic survey.
02/02/2022 - Comment on EFRAG’s Discussion Paper: Better Information on Intangibles – Which is the best way to go?
To stimulate the debate on EFRAG’s Discussion Paper Better Information on Intangibles – Which is the best way to go? EFRAG has made it possible to provide comments by means of an electronic survey. Comments to the Discussion Paper are requested by 30 June 2022.
27/08/2021 - EFRAG Discussion Paper: Better information on intangibles – which is the best way to go?
EFRAG has published a Discussion Paper on different possible approaches for better information on intangibles. EFRAG is asking constituents whether preparers can provide better information on intangibles, and if so, how. Comments are welcome by 30 June 2022.
02/03/2021 - University of Ferrara, EFFAS, EFRAG, ICAS joint case study-based survey on intangibles
Participate in a new research project conducted by the University of Ferrara and supported by EFFAS, EFRAG and ICAS on reporting practices for intangible assets by completing the related case-study-based survey. The research project aims at collecting information on the preparation and use of the information on intangibles.
13/03/2020 - EFRAG announces the composition of its Advisory Panel on Intangibles
EFRAG TEG has approved the composition of the EFRAG Advisory Panel on Intangibles. EFRAG welcomes Florian Bercault, Ian Bishop, Giorgio Calimani, Laure Chatillon, Alexandre Goncalves, Laurine Lemon, Gianluca Manca, Marietta Miemietz, Bertrand Perrin, Laurent Pieraerts, Jochem Quaak, Ivars Strautins, Jeremy Stuber, Ton van Ooijen, Jesús Valero and Hanno Wulbrand as members of the EFRAG Advisory Panel on Intangibles.
18/02/2020 - Reminder: EFRAG calls for candidates for an advisory panel on intangibles
The application deadline is 21 February 2020.
05/02/2020 - Literature review on intangibles
EFRAG publishes a literature review on intangibles as part of its research project on better information on intangibles.
21/01/2020 - EFRAG Advisory Panel on Intangibles: Call for candidates
How does an entity create, maintain and enhance value? What information about intangibles do investors need but cannot find in the financial statements?
14/01/2019 - Extended application deadline for the academic literature review on intangible assets
The new deadline is 31 January 2019.
04/12/2018 - EFRAG calls for an academic literature review on reporting on intangible assets
The academic literature review will form part of EFRAG's project on better information on intangible assets.