Luca D'Onofrio
User (EFFAS CFR - AIAF member – 81221 founder – Grant Thornton Insurance leader Italy)
Luca D'Onofrio is a Financial Analyst member of the AIAF (Italian Association of Financial Analysts). He works as a senior advisor largely in the areas like Accounting, Planning & Control, and Risk Management on topics like IFRS, Financial Planning and Controlling, Accounting and fiscal rules, Solvency II, financial Insurance evaluation models. In 2021 he founds "81221", an advisory services firm with a focus on the Insurance KPIs and the financial analysis CFO and CRO topics. In 2021 he joined Grant Thornton as Insurance leader in Italy.
As an AIAF Member, he explains the financial analysts' point of view as "user" in Local and International working groups related to the development of IFRS and the financial disclosure impacts arising from the application of accounting standards: EFFAS Commission on Financial Reporting, EFRAG User Panel, EFRAG Insurance Accounting Working Group, OIC (Italian Accounting Organisation) Insurance Commission.