Leo van der Tas
Leo van der Tas is a part-time full professor of Corporate Reporting at Tilburg University, The Netherlands. He recently (July 2022) retired as Global Corporate Reporting Services Leader at EY in London and as technical partner at EY in the Netherlands. In that role he led the global IFRS financial and sustainability reporting services and set up EYs global structure integrating the international financial and sustainability reporting subject matter specialists. He also led the liaison between EY and the IFRS Foundation and EFRAG. Leo still serves EY as contractor in the area of international corporate reporting.
Leo teaches and performs research with a focus on the interaction between financial and non-financial reporting.
He served as advisor to the IFRS Foundation as a member of its Advisory Council, to ESMA as a member of the Consultative Working Group of ESMA's Corporate Reporting Standing Committee and to the Dutch securities regulator AFM as a member of its Advisory Committee. Leo also served on the Interpretations Committee of the IASB. In the past Leo worked at the European Commission as seconded national expert on the harmonization of financial reporting within the EU.