Kirsten Margrethe Hovi
Kirsten Margrethe Hovi is vice president and ESG Adviser to the CFO of Norsk Hydro ASA. She has worked for many years for Hydro in different disciplines. From 2004 till 2022 she was responsible for Hydro's ESG reporting. She has also actively participated in developing general and industry specific reporting standards. From 2014 to 2020, Hovi was a member of the Global Sustainability Standards Board, GRI's standard setting governance body.
Hovi was a member of the working group developing the Oslo Børs' guidance on the reporting of corporate responsibility in 2016 and when updating it in 2018. She has also been active in the public consultation of the European Sustainability Reporting Standards.
Hovi has a master's degree in Chemical Engineering from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), she has studied French at Alliance Française in Paris and holds an economics degree from the Norwegian School of Management.