Simone Scettri
Simone Scettri has a Master Degree cum laude in Economics and Commerce from the University of Rome La Sapienza; CPA since 1985 and Auditor since 1992.
Partner in EY since 2002 and until June 2022, he has been the Professional Practice Director for the Italian Practice since 2002 and in addition for the Mediterranean Region (Italy, Spain and Portugal) from 2010 to 2020. He was the Chairman of EY Spa since 2010 and until June 2022. Managing Partner for the Italian Assurance Service Line from 2020 to 2022. Over the years he has been part of the audit of large national and international companies as both Lead audit partner or Quality reviewer.
Before joining EY, Mr. Scettri worked for more than 13 years at Consob the Italian Stock Exchange Independent Public Authority. In Consob he led for several years the Unit that deals with the supervision of financial information provided to the market by listed issuers.
He was recently appointed Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors and, also, Chairman of the Accounting Principles Technical Committee at OIC - Organismo Italiano di Contabilità, the Italian Accounting Standard setting body where he previously served for many years as member of the Executive Committee.
Since May 2019 he has been a member of the Corporate Reporting Standing Committee - Consultative Working Group at ESMA and since February 2019 and until September 2023 he was a member of COMI "Comitato degli Operatori del Mercato e degli Investitori" at Consob.
Mr. Scettri is Adjunct Professor at LUISS University in Rome on Corporate Governance and Internal controls and, in addition, on Financial and ESG reporting.