![Workgroup member photo](/Assets/Download?assetUrl=%2Fsites%2Fwebpublishing%2FWorking%2520Group%2520Members%2520Pictures%2FWalter_Kern%2520resized.png)
Walter Kern
Walter has a background in Computer Science and Sustainable Finance. He spent almost his entire professional life in enterprise software, including reporting software. Since the financial crisis in 2008 his focus is on Sustainable Finance.
Currently, Walter is working at the Fair Finance Institute in Heidelberg (Germany), an institute that strategically applies experiences from other economic-social change processes such as the energy turnaround to a "financial turnaround".
He is part of a working group on digitalization that was set up by the Accounting Standards Committee of Germany (ASCG) and XBRL Germany to appreciate and test the digital taxonomy for ESRS developed by EFRAG.
Additionally, he represents the Economy for the Common Good (ECG) in the Sustainability Reporting Pillar of EFRAG. ECG is an NGO that advocates an ethical economic model, in which the wellbeing of people and the environment is the ultimate goal of business and government.