Sadi Podevijn
Sadi Podevijn’s dedication to advance practices and develop standards in the area of accounting and her commitment to keep abreast of the evolution in this field show throughout her entire career.
After obtaining a Master's degree in Applied Economics she worked for the Department of Accounting, Auditing and Corporate Finance of the Faculty of Economics at the University of Ghent.
After fifteen years, she joined the Belgian Accounting Standards Board (CNC-CBN) in 2008, where she became secretary general in 2010. In this position, that she still holds today, her mission is to supervise and participate in the drafting of recommendations of the CNC-CBN and to prepare proposals for legislative amendments. In this context, she has conducted working groups on technical issues. Her work within the CNC-CBN also includes a European dimension, through the participation in meetings of the Accounting Regulatory Committee (ARC), the European Working Group on Company Law, the Accounting Directive Committee (ADC) and the International Forum of Standard Setters (IFASS). She is also board member of the Belgian Audit Oversight Board.
In addition, she has contributed to several publications on topics such as consolidation, company accounting and more specific technical matters.