Aranzazu Leo Abad
She has been involved in the banking sector for the past 21 years, Aranzazu is an expert in financial instruments, mainly derivatives, treasury products and hedges.
She started her professional career in Deloitte (FKA Arthur Andersen), as an auditor in the banking sector. In 2005 she joined the Santander Group, as a Global Banking Accounting Manager, she developed a deep knowledge about end to end process of financial instruments and main problems that financial institutions face in the financial instruments accounting process. Furthermore, she had the opportunity to participate in different standard implementation projects (IFRS 9 among others).
Currently, as a Senior Manager at Santander Group Accounting Regulation Area, she is responsible for setting accounting policies, maintaining relationship with auditors, regulators, and supervisors as regards to accounting related matters, accounting for the definition of special products and hedges, providing of training on IFRS within the group and advising on the new standards of implementation projects.
As a member of Hedge Accounting Working Group in the EBF (European Banking Federation) and Senior Accounting Group in IIF (Institute of International Finance), she has first-hand knowledge about IFRS proposals and modifications related to financial instruments.
Aranzazu holds a bachelor’s degree in Business Management from San Pablo CEU University - Madrid and also has a Master's degree in financial instruments and derivatives from the Instituto de Estudios Bursátiles - Madrid.
End of term: 2024