Fredrik Walmeus
Fredrik Walméus is a partner with Deloitte in Sweden, responsible for services and technical consultations within IFRS, financial and corporate reporting and IPO Services. Fredrik has more than 20 years experience from providing services and consultations within these areas. In his role Fredrik has provided technical accounting and corporate reporting services to large and listed corporates and financial institutions in the Swedish and Nordic market. As a partner with Deloitte Fredrik is a member of the Deloitte global network of IFRS-specialists.
In addition to the role within Deloitte, Fredrik has served for more than 15 years as a Board member of FAR Accounting committee, the institute for the accountancy profession in Sweden's Accounting Committee, of which about 5 years as Vice Chairman. Fredrik has also served nearly 10 years as a member of the Expert Advisory Group, advising the Swedish Financial Reporting Board (SFRB). Starting April 1st 2022, Fredrik will become a full-time board member of the SFRS. Before joining Deloitte IFRS advisory and technical department, Fredrik worked as an authorized Public Accountant mainly focusing on serving listed clients in various industries in the Swedish market.