Anna Vidal
Anna Vidal started her career at Arthur Andersen in 2000 (which become later Deloitte in Spain) within the Financial Services Industry and co-headed the IFRS and local gaap Desk in Barcelona from 2010. In 2013 she joined Banco Sabadell as Financial Regulation Director, where she also set up the bank's strategic approach in the context of the creation of the single supervisory mechanism in Europe. She also set up the accounting framework for new subsidiaries and participated in due-diligence process for the acquisition of foreign banks.
In 2016 she joined CaixaBank Group, a financial conglomerate with banking and insurance as main businesses. She currently holds the position of Head of Accounting Policies and the Consolidation Department. Among other responsibilities, she provides the accounting criteria on a corporate level, provides IFRS accounting guidance and training for the group, and oversees the consolidation process, the investment accounting and the final consolidated financial statements. More recently, she is in charge of monitoring and participating in the regulations regarding sustainability reporting. She has a Bachelor of Business Administration (UPF-Barcelona) and is a certified Auditor registered in ROAC.