Ilka Canitz
Ilka Canitz is a Project Manager at the Accounting Standards Committee of Germany (ASCG – German Standard Setter). In her role, she monitors, influences and contributes to European and international accounting developments, by preparing analyses, synopses and other information for agenda papers and comment letters vis-à-vis the IASB. Further, she overall coordinates ASCG's work on financial reporting.
Ilka has an auditing and consulting background, having worked for several years for two Big Four audit firms before joining the ASCG. She has gained a sound practical knowledge on IFRS Standards in the audit of group financial statements of listed clients as an IFRS expert "on the job". Further, her experience covers accounting advisory services in projects on the implementation of new IFRS Standards.
Ilka has an academic background as a Ph.D. and lecturer, teaching courses on international accounting and auditing.
End of term: 2024