Silvie Koppes
Silvie has 19 years of international audit and advisory experience in technical accounting, with a focus on the financial services sector. She currently works for KPMG NL as the head of technical accounting where she provides guidance to audit teams on IFRS and local GAAP. Silvie regularly presents on accounting matters to both the Dutch and Global KPMG audit community, and to clients.
Within KPMG, Silvie is a member of the Global Financial Instruments Topic Team that develops KPMG's global accounting guidance. Silvie also focuses on ESG reporting for banks, combining industry knowledge and connectivity with financial reporting when interpreting the various ESG reporting requirements.
Prior roles include a secondment to KPMG's global International Standards Group and client-facing audit and advisory roles in the Netherlands and the UK. Through these roles Silvie gained a broad perspective that is grounded in both deep technical knowledge and practical experience. They also allowed Silvie to become well embedded in KPMG's international network of accounting specialists.
Silvie is a member of the Nederlandse Beroepsorganisatie van Accountants (NBA) and a qualified chartered accountant.