Jasper De Meyer
Jasper De Meyer is the Financial Services Team Leader at BEUC, the European Consumer Organisation. BEUC is an umbrella consumer group, bringing together 44 independent national consumer organisations from 32 European countries to represent its members and defend the interests of consumers in the EU decision-making process. At BEUC, Mr. De Meyer works closely on consumer protection and investor protection issues related to retail investment products, insurances and pension products.
Jasper is a member of several stakeholder groups established by the European Supervisory Authorities, including EIOPA’s Expert Practitioner Panel on the pan-European Pension Product and EIOPA’s Consultative Expert Group on Digital Ethics in Insurance. Most recently, BEUC was also a member of the High Level Forum on the Capital Markets Union, an expert body that was established to give advice to the European Commission on how to develop Europe’s capital markets. Mr. De Meyer has a BA in Economics from the University of Manchester in 2010. He also holds an MA in International Political Economy from the University of Leeds in 2011.