Sven Morich
Sven Morich is the Vice-President of the Accounting Standards Committee of Germany (ASCG) since 1 April 2021. He joined the ASCG as a Technical Director and was promoted to its Executive Director in December 2017. In his role, he is contributing to the ASCG's objectives of elaborating recommendations on the application of German GAAP, providing advice to the German Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection on accounting regulations, representing Germany in international standard-setting bodies; and elaborating interpretations of the international accounting standards within the meaning of German Law.
After being an EFRAG TEG member for more than six years, Sven has been appointed to the EFRAG Board in October 2020.
Sven has a background as Head of PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Assurance Capital Markets & Accounting Advisory Services, Berlin Office. He has demonstrated growing experience over 10 years regarding the conversion towards and the implementation and application of IFRS as a member of PwC's technical expert group until 2013. Sven's PwC experience is not limited to statutory audits and IFRS quality assurance for listed clients but also covers accounting consultancy services in IFRS conversion projects as well as the implementation of accounting software solutions.
Sven is an expert in accounting and financial reporting and has demonstrated relevant active experience in the past. He is very well experienced in the practical application of and advising on the use of IFRS, more specifically in the energy and utilities sector. He is also capable of developing new thinking on accounting and financial reporting concepts and applications. From his current position at the ASCG, he has a very good understanding of the work of national standard-setting and regulatory bodies with an interest in financial reporting in Germany.
Furthermore, he built up an academic career as a professor at the University of Europe for Applied Sciences – UE (Global University Systems) in 2016. He teaches courses in management accounting and financial reporting.
Sven holds a doctoral degree in business administration from the Technical University of Braunschweig. He is registered as a German public accountant ("Wirtschaftsprüfer") and tax advisor ("Steuerberater").