Patrycja Pogodzinska
Patrycja Pogodzinska is a legal expert and project manager in the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, Research and Data Unit. She manages the ongoing project on Business and Human Rights - access to remedy. Her other areas of expertise with respect to the FRA’s work include: European human rights law, non-discrimination, LGBTI rights, citizens̵; rights and freedom of movement, discrimination on the grounds of nationality, consumer rights.
Before joining FRA in 2016, she worked for several years as a lawyer at the European Court of Human Rights and at the Council of Europe Department of the European Social Carter, the CoE Enlarged Partial Agreement on Sport (EPAS) and later at the=European Parliament in the Department of Legislative Acts. She conducted desk and field research as an external experts for Milieu. Earlier she had worked in Poland in a solicitor’s office specialising in labour law and company law, and as a university lecturer.
She is a qualified lawyer (avocat) and holds a PhD in international law; she is author of numerous publications in the area of international law and human rights, and was a laureate of a research grant at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law in Heidelberg.