Jonas Grimheden
Dr Jonas Grimheden leads one of five programmes at the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) in Vienna, Austria. The programme supports human rights systems – structured human rights work in the EU and its Member States, including a rights-base= approach, the rule of law, the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU, civil society, national human rights institutions, and interaction with international organisations as well as EU’s external action service. Previously heading FRA’s acce=s to justice work, he has been with the Agency since 2009. He is a special=st in international human rights law with focus of work placed on justice, business and human rights, indicators, and monitoring mechanisms.
Before joining FRA, he was a researcher and lecturer based at the Raoul Wallenberg Institute for Human Rights and Humanitarian Law (RWI), Lund University, Sweden where he was the Deputy Head of the Academic Department. Earlier he worked for the RWI with human rights development cooperation where he established and headed the first of the institute’s field offices, in China, 1999–2000.
In 2004 he was ‘Thunberg-scholar’ at Niigata, Nagoya, and Waseda law schools in Japan. 2005–2006 he was a visiting assistant professor at Cornell Law School, and 2006–2007 a part-time visiting professor at China University of Political Science and Law.
He has conducted research and taught at both academic and practitioner levels, for longer and shorter stints mainly in the US, Europe, and Asia, altogether in some 20 countries.
In addition to international human rights law, he has also taught comparative law and Chinese law. Since 2009 he is Associate Professor (Docent) of International Human Rights Law at the Law Faculty, Lund University, Sweden. He has edited books and written numerous articles in the areas of inte=national, human rights, comparative, Chinese and EU law.