Gianluca Manca
Gianluca Manca is the Head of Sustainability at Eurizon Capital. He served as chair of the Investment Commission and co-chair of the Asset Management working Group of the NEPFI then joined the Business Economy Environment group of GLOBE EU at the EU Parliament.
Gianluca is awarded an Honorary Fellowship of the Cattolica University in Milan, Italy, where he is a lecturer on Sustainability while he is co-head of the business simulation at the Executive Master in Finance SDA Bocconi University. At present he is a member of the EFAMA Stewardship, Market Integrity & ESG Investment Standing Committee and a member of the European Banking Federation’s Sustainable Finance wg where he serves as chair of the Disclosure and Metrics subgroup.
Gianluca currently serves as Member of the Board of the EU Ecolabel representing the European Banking Federation and he is a member of the EFRAG Advisory Panel on Intangibles.
He was a global equities fund manager, then focused on responsible investments in late 90s and later became the head of the global RI team.
At present he is the Secretary of the Sustainability Committee and the Chair of the Charity Committee at Eurizon Capital. In the past 20 years he co-authored various papers and publications on ESG integration and climate change (UNEPFI, WBCSD, CDP).
Graduated with a MSc at Bocconi University, he worked on his thesis at the Universiteit van Amsterdam, and successfully passed the professional exam for CFPs.