Delphine Gibassier
Delphine Gibassier is an associate professor in accounting for sustainable development at Audencia (France), and a recognized expert in non-financial accounting and reporting with 18 years’ experience in both practice and academia.
She is also the director of the Research Centre "Multi-capital Global Performance", and the academic director of the executive MBA Chief Value Officer.
She has worked with the UN Global Compact, IIRC, BCSD, R3.0, Capitals Coalition and CDSB, as well as the French government on various topics such as carbon accounting and integrated reporting. In practice, she has developed and implemented carbon accounting, SDG accounting and integrated reporting for large companies.
Before joining academia, she worked as a management controller for large multinationals in Paris and Asia. She is an associate editor of the academic journal Sustainabiliy Accounting, Management and Policy Journal.