Archive - Maria Alexiou
Maria Alexiou serves as Environmental, Social and Governance Advisor of TITAN Cement International (2020, www.titan-cement.com) at Group and regional level supporting management in embedding sustainability and social responsibility in strategy and decision-making, while she has served TITAN Group as a CSR Director since 2003. Maria is member of the Board of Directors of CSR Europe (2018, www.csreurope.org) and Chair of the Board of Directors of CSR Hellas (2012, www.csrhellas.org).
Since 1996, she has worked with different sectors and multinational companies like NIKE and TITAN Cement International to form and implement collaborative initiatives leading to new integrated management practice and standards to monitor and assess both the impacts and the performance outcomes related to sustainability and inclusion in the short and the long term. Among the initiatives she has joined, it is worth mentioning Maria's role in various Task Forces and Working Groups with UN Global Compact, for the development of reporting principles and the criteria of Communication on Progress, with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) for the development of Guidance regarding "labor rights" and "decent wage", as well as the translation of the Glossary in Greek, with WBCSD and the Cement Sustainability Initiative for the "Social Capital Protocol" and the Guidelines for Sustainability in the Supply Chain of the Cement and Construction materials industry. Maria is currently a member of the Project Task Force on "Reporting of non-financial risks and opportunities and linkage to the business model" by EFRAG European Lab.