Donato Calace
Dr. Donato Calace is the Vice President of Innovation and Accounts at Datamaran. He contributes to global
innovation projects for the firm and heads the business development and account strategy.
Recently, he has participated in the invite-only European Commission DG FISMA expert session on materiality
(November 2019), and has been invited by ESMA to report to the Narrative Reporting Working Group (NRWG)
on Datamaran’s innovative approach to materiality assessments.
A passionate expert in his field, in June 2016, Donato was awarded a Ph.D. in the international program “The
Economics and Management of Natural Resources” developed by the LUM Jean Monnet University – Italy,
Megatrend University, Belgrade (Serbia), China Three Gorges University (CTGU – China), Louisiana
Tech University (USA) and Saint Petersburg State Forest Technical University (SPbSFTU – Russia).
During his PhD and visiting period at Cass Business School, he focused on the relationship between nonfinancial
disclosure and environmental performance; reporting and market value; national culture and nonfinancial
risks reporting. His areas of expertise and research include materiality analysis, ESG integration, and
risk management associated to non-financial issues. The results of his doctoral research are available here.
His academic publications are listed here.
His definition of materiality for the Encyclopedia of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals edited by
Springer will be published this year. The paper is already available digitally.