Ivars Strautins
Initially qualified as an architect, since 1992 Ivars Strautins’s main professional activities have been advisory support in PHARE, GTZ, EC and publicly financed institution-building projects, business consulting and the practice of real estate, business and intangible property valuation.
He has been certified as a Business and Intangible Property Valuer and as a Real Estate Property Valuer by the Latvian Association of Valuers (LIVA) since 1998. He is a Member of the Board of LIVA responsible for property valuation standardisation issues and for maintaining the professional certification system for property valuers in Latvia.
He is delegated to the EFRAG Advisory Panel on Intangibles by TEGoVA, The European Group of Valuers’ Associations representing 70 000 qualified European valuers, many of whom conduct business valuation. TEGoVA is the European valuation standards setter. Its European Valuation Standards have been given precedence over all other standards by the ECB in its successive Asset Quality Reviews for the valuation of banks’ real estate collateral.
Ivars Strautins is a member of TEGoVA’s European Business Valuation Standards Board which drafted European Business Valuation Standards to be launched on 24 March 2020 and has been a Member of TEGoVA’s Recognition Committee auditing Recognised European Valuers (REVs), the elite of the profession, since 2011.