Matthias Schmidt
Dr. Matthias Schmidt is Head of ESG at the Institut der Wirtschaftsprüfer in Deutschland (Institute of Public Auditors in Germany). He is responsible for ESG-related standard-setting (reporting and assurance) and guidance, e.g. on the non-financial management reporting obligation, sustainable finance and the future of corporate reporting. Within this capacity, he represents IDW in several expert groups, e.g. Accountancy Europe’s Sustainable Finance Group, ESG Reporting Task Force and ESG Assurance Task Force, HRH Prince Charles‘ Accounting for Sustainability (A4S) Accounting Bodies Network, IFAC’s Integrated Reporting Network and the Global Accounting Alliance’s ESG Network.
From 2016 to 2018, he served as a Senior Manager for a Supervisory Board and Audit Committee Member of DWS, one of the largest asset managers in Europe, with a focus on voting, governance and ESG policies. From 2013 to 2016, Matthias was on part-time secondment to the International Integrated Reporting Council as IIRC Region Lead: Germany and a member of the IIRC technical team. Within this capacity, he contributed to the development of the International Integrated Reporting <IR> Framework.
Matthias is a Certified Tax Advisor and wrote his doctoral thesis on „Opportunities and boundaries of integrated financial and sustainability reporting“.