Antonio Fuertes Zurita
Antonio Fuertes Zurita started his professional career at Accenture. Currently he is the global head of reputation and sustainability of Naturgy, a multinational company with international presence in more than 30 countries. He has more than 25 years in energy business with experience in managing, leading the company to world-class results in sustainability indexes and ratings, transforming CSR practice towards a more financial focused approach, supporting green bonds issuances and credits linked to sustainability scores. He benefits from a broad knowledge of institutional investors that takes into account ESG criteria and its impact on market value and sustainability strategy. With more than 15 years of experience in corporate reporting. He has extensive experience in sustainability strategy and how it can be developed and measured through KPI´s.
Antonio is a member of the Board of Bettercoal, an initiative of the main European utilities. He is committed and has an active role at leading institutions (Institute of Directors in Spain –ICA, a member institute of ecoDa), and other sustainability communities (Sustainability50 in Atlanta). He has a degree in Philosophy and Social Sciences, in Energy Business by ICADE Business School and ln Corporate Social Responsibility by IE Business School. He is the Co-author of the book “CSR challenges: An industry approach” edited by IESE Business School. He teaches in several universities and is professor on Sustainability at the Institute of Directors of Spain-ICA.